Lets Root For Each Other
Collaboration between Live Oak Coffee House & Botanica - Neighbors who love to ROOT for one another.
Our Valentines Coffee and Plant gift caddy is a wonderful way to show someone you love how much they mean to you.
We have established 3 different plants and price points to meet all of your needs for this special LOVE DAY!
With each package you will receive the plant as selected in a travel caddy with a Live oak coffee house coffee cup and a $10 physical gift card inside the cup to Live Oak, you are encouraged to purchase your loved one a beverage with the drink to deliver with the plant in the caddy or you can simply give the caddy gift to your loved one for them to enjoy a coffee beverage of their choice any time they wish.
Please read all of the instructions before purchasing
We have 3 pick up dates Wednesday 2/12, Thursday 2/13 & Friday 2/14 -
Your Pick up location may vary on your pick up times. You can pick up starting at 12pm on Wednesday morning (no earlier as plants will not be available).
Live Oak Coffeehouse hours of operation 6:00am-9:00pm
Botanica Modern Market hours of operation 11:00am-5:00pm
Pre order closes 2/11 @ 10am - You can still order yours after this date but you will not be granted the selected plant you wish, it will be what ever is in stock at the shop.